Family Violence
A collection of resources and organizations whose purpose is to help those experiencing family violence.
Bernadette McCann House
The Mission of Bernadette McCann House is to work for change that will end abuse by providing safety, support and education to all those who experience abuse.
Ontario Ministry of the Attorney General – Pembroke – Victim/Witness Assistance Program
Information, assistance and support to increase participation in the criminal court process; case-specific information (court dates, bail conditions); trial preparation; liaise with Crown Attorneys and police; needs assessment; victim advocacy; emotional support; crisis intervention; referrals to community agencies.
Women’s Sexual Assault Centre of Renfrew County
Community-based rape crisis centre that provides 24-Hour Support and Crisis Line information and referral to survivors of sexual violence at any time in their lives, as well as to their families and all the communities of Renfrew County.
Pembroke Regional Hospital – Mental Health Services Renfrew County Adult Sexual Assault Counselling
Individual and group counselling available for sexual abuse victims (male and female) and violence against women victims age 16 years and up – partner agency of Support Services Network for Male Survivors in Ontario.
Victims’ Services of Renfrew County Resources
A collection of links and resources for those experiencing crimes or tragedies and the general public.
Child, Youth and Family Crisis Line (Ages 18 and under)